45 years of cycle campaigning

10th anniversary

I was wondering when it might be possible to claim 50 years as a cycle campaigner. The ‘Early London cycle campaign’ page suggests some involvement since at least the spring of 1975 – participating in a national rally and creating a report on, and guide to, cycling in the borough of Greenwich. I’m fairly sure… Continue reading 45 years of cycle campaigning

LCC Sunday rides

For many years LCC had a regular programme of train assisted rides, meeting early Sunday morning at a central London station for an excursion to the countryside. I organised these for a total of 7 years, with a reliable bunch of ride leaders (some of whom then took a turn at organising the calendar) and… Continue reading LCC Sunday rides

Early London cycle campaign

Wow, that old Friends of the Earth logo! Press release from 1975 about national FoE cycling event, plus new report and guide from local Greenwich group. Great to see a mention of the ‘tetra cycle’ created at Crown Woods School (Andrew Davis is the name that springs to mind there, but could be wrong.) Cycling… Continue reading Early London cycle campaign